Home / Funny / Viral / 90-Year-Old Woman In Czech Republic Artistically Transforms Houses


One woman has made it her mission to make her neighbours' houses look better in the little Czech village of Louka, in the southern Moravian region. Agnes Kasparkova, a 90-year-old retired agricultural worker, discovered painting as a new pastime. In her leisure time, Kasparkova paints the walls of Louka's buildings with traditional Moravian motifs in vivid blue-ultramarine.

One of her favourite places to paint is the village chapel, which she touches up every year by climbing up on the scaffolding and painting a floral pattern all over the facade.

She doesn't plan out her work in advance; instead, she lets her imagination and brush determine the final product. Kasparkova carried on the tradition of painting the white Moravian houses, which had previously been done by other women.

And even though the harsh winters cause her to pause, she resumes her beautifying the village as spring approaches. Her artwork reminds us that you are never too old to show off your creativity, much like the painted houses of Zalipie with their vibrant flower garlands. 

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