Since northern right whale dolphins typically inhabit deeper waters several miles from California's coastline, they are among the most elusive dolphin species. On a research trip, captain and videographer Evan Brodsky was astonished to see a dozen dolphins because of this. After tracking them, he discovered that it wasn't just a few creatures but a super pod consisting of more than 2,500 dolphins, and this amazing spectacle was all caught on camera.
A local conservation organization called Monterey Bay Whale Watch shared the video, which was shot on February 21 off the coast of Monterey Bay, California. The photos feature between 500 and 700 Pacific white-sided dolphins, light gray baby calves, and more than 2,000 Northern right whale dolphins, which are known to travel in pods of 100 to 200 dolphins. According to Monterey Bay Whale Watch, "most people don't even know they exist, which makes northern right whale dolphins very special."
Speaking of this sight, Brodsky remembers how he and his team were so excited that some of them started crying. It was difficult for us to control our excitement. He told KQED, "We had the biggest smiles from ear to ear." He cheekily characterized these mysterious creatures as "smooth" and "looking like flying eyebrows when they jump" when asked how they appear in real life.
One of only two dolphin species without a dorsal fin is the northern right whale dolphin. They are roughly ten feet long and weigh more than 200 pounds. Even with other dolphin species, like Risso's dolphins, which Brodsky also saw in large numbers near Monterey Bay last January, these dolphins are known for their social behavior.
According to Monterey Bay Whale Watch, "people travel from all over the world to see northern right whale dolphins."
"We are fortunate to have access to deep water near shore here in Monterey Bay, but this species prefers deeper waters, typically several miles offshore." This information emphasizes how unique the Monterey Bay is and serves as a reminder of the value of preserving natural areas.