Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: Can You Read A Dirty Sentence Without Laughing?


There's charades, 30 seconds, and then there are Madlibs. Basically, player one asks player two for a list of words to fill empty spaces in a short story. They are not random, however, verbs need to fill verb spaces, nouns for nouns and so on. For normal people, it's probably quite innocent, like suggesting Scooby Doo or apples but... it's Joe Santagato and his brother so nothing is innocent!

Once all the empty spaces are completed, player two fills his mouth with water and, while the Madlibs story is being read out, he has to stop himself from laughing or spitting it out.

Sounds easy, right? Apparently not when Joe had to get a whole TOWEL to clean up the water that was supposed to stay in his mouth. It starts off innocently enough... ok we lied, it starts off terribly and ends even worse but, if you crack a smile at this, your mind is as dirty as ours!


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