At least according to this CEO, there is one response that will lead to your rejection right after you believe you have aced the job interview. Finding a job can be a challenging endeavour; you may find a position that interests you or that you feel you are more than capable of performing, only to be met with rejection or radio silence months later.
However, those moments when you believe you've nailed an interview are unrivalled. If you don't answer this specific question to a common and significant question that every employer asks, you can be confident that you might be hearing some good news.
Shapiro, the CEO of the US trade group Consumer Technology Association, recently discussed red flags in candidates and what he looks for in a potential employee during a conversation with CNBC.
Typically, your boss will ask, "When can you start?" and depending on your circumstances, it might be "straight away" or, if you want to change jobs frequently, less than two weeks. According to Shapiro, having the latter response will put you in the rejection pile. "They don't get the job, because they'll treat us the way they treat that former employer," he told the outlet.
"Even if they don't enjoy their work, I want an [employee] who is dedicated enough to their company to not abandon their boss." According to Shapiro, a person's manner of leaving their position is "really important," and departing amicably is something that also applies to his employees who have decided to go elsewhere.