A common problem for many professors is when a student nods off during a lecture. Some ignore it, some confront them, and some even go so far as to ask the student who is dozing off a question about the lesson. Matthew Pittman, a professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, came up with an even better idea, which appears to be indicative of his advanced age. He chose to wake up his sleeping students by belting out pop-punk and emo lyrics rather than just calling out their names or asking them a question to start the lesson over.
Pittman himself posted a video of the professor shocking three of his students with his musicality. The teacher belts out "Fall for You" by Secondhand Serenade while Pittman, seated in the front row, pushes his grown-out hair to his face, evoking an emo hairstyle. Pittman's rendition of Green Day's "Basket Case" wakes up a student in another clip, and he slyly picks the line, "Do you have the time to listen to me whine / About nothing and everything all at once?"
The most dramatic part is when Pittman pulls out a megaphone and sings "I Miss You" by Blink-182 to wake up a student. Instead of being perplexed, the other students appeared to enjoy the segment; one even remarked, "That was cute." He acknowledged that he occasionally loses his train of thought when receiving praise on the internet for his ability to return to the subject with ease.