Home / Funny / Funny / It's Time For The Best TikTok Pranks Of 2021!


TikTok is a terrific medium for pranking people. Like your granny, for instance! Her choice of language is the best, though!

Pranks have been played on people since the beginning of time. This is what has probably inspired this family to constantly prank each other while filming it for TikTok.

A chap by the name of Lance Steward has a hilarious family. Between him, his wife and his granny, they're constantly making jokes, playing pranks, and just being silly buggers.

For instance, filling the kitchen sink with dry ice, then asking your wife if she set anything alight. Then, when she peeks into the sink, you turn the waste disposal on, blowing the smoke into her face.

Another hilarious prank is filling a massive mug with cold coffee. Then carefully placing it upside down on the counter, filled with the liquid. Next up, decorate the cup to look like it's filled with whipped cream and invite granny to have a drink. When she picks it up, sploosh! Covered in cold coffee!

Pranks are hilarious, and this family has it nailed! So, sit back, hit play, and enjoy the show!

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