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Even though there may be concrete evidence that we have set foot on the moon, some conspiracy theorists continue to deny that it ever happened. The fact that we have images from five different nations might persuade those who deny the moon landing.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first people to set foot on the moon more than 50 years ago, making history in the process. After Armstrong uttered his famous words, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," Aldrin and their lesser-known colleague Michael Collins, who orbited the moon while the other two planted the American flag, came right behind him.

Although some people still find it hard to believe that such an event ever occurred, it is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in modern history.

NASA officials, who have spent years providing evidence that the moon landing occurred, seem to find such conspiracy theories annoying.

Photographs Of The Moon Landing From Different Countries Proves Disbelievers Wrong 2

During a 2019 talk in Greenwich, Prof. Anu Ojha, Discovery Director of the National Space Center, stated: "We are drowning in information on the internet. "In the past two years, more data has been produced than in the entirety of human history. The turbulence in this ocean of information is increasing daily.

It appears that any doubters of the moon landing are refuted by the fact that five different nations took pictures of the Apollo 11 lander's remains.

Individual photos of the Apollo 11 remains were taken by the US, India, Japan, China, and South Korea; the images have been making the rounds on Reddit lately.

The Redditor who shared the images wrote, "The remains of Apollo 11 lander photographed by 5 different countries, disproving moon landing deniers."

Many moon deniers use an image of Armstrong and Aldrin's shadow that is circulating on the NASA website as evidence that the landing never took place. The shadows in this picture are not parallel, despite conspiracy theorists' claims that they would be if the sun were the only source of light. Since then, a specialist has come forward to clarify why this isn't precisely the case.

"This is on the Moon's surface, but we can replicate this effect on Earth whenever we'd like," Prof. Ojha stated. "Everyone has witnessed this phenomenon, in which parallel lines appear to be non-parallel due to perspective.
"Lines can do a variety of strange things when a three-dimensional situation is being reduced to a two-dimensional plane. This has been used by artists for centuries."

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