Home / Funny / Viral / Tomb Of Cerberus In Italy Cracks Open After Two Thousand Years


Ancient tombs provide valuable insights into the lives of those who have passed away and are now interred. Curious finds have been made in tombs, such as jars of food buried to support the deceased on their journey and antiquated liquid wine. The human remains, in addition to burial goods, also convey a narrative. For instance, the discovery of two Neanderthal skeletons hugging suggests past romantic relationships. The Tomb of Cerberus, located in Naples, Italy in 2023, has produced finds of artefacts as well as human remains. The latter were recently made public when a 2,000-year-old coffin was opened.

The tomb is situated within an old Roman cemetery known as a necropolis. (A necropolis is a city of the dead; in this instance, the city is hiding a lot of secrets that archaeologists need to figure out.) Giugliano, a city in Naples, is not far away. The tomb was found in 2023 and is opulent and immaculate. Since then, it has been called the Tomb of Cerberus, after the mythological dog with three heads that appear in many of the tomb's murals.

The tomb's size and style suggest that it belonged to a prosperous Roman family. The decorations also feature ichthyocentaurs in addition to the dogs. These are fish, horses, and human hybrids known as marine centaurs.

Archaeologists found three altars with vases inside the tomb, where offerings were supposed to be made. There were also funeral beds adorned with coffins holding the remains of the old family members. Archaeologists inserted a tiny camera into one coffin to conduct an investigation. They saw a skeleton covered in a mineralised shroud, lying exactly as it had for two millennia. Since then, the coffin has been opened to reveal the affluent person inside, who was buried next to glass jars containing toiletry ointments and perfume for the departed. In keeping with the personal hygiene theme, a strigil was also found. The skin was scraped clean with this instrument. 

As a multidisciplinary team of researchers looks through the artefacts, many more details might soon come to light. Experts in ancient fabrics examine textile samples, while other experts concentrate on additional samples. Pollen from wormwood and goosefoot has already been identified through analysis of the bottles. The image of the past preserved in the tomb will be enhanced by genetic research conducted on the skeleton itself. 

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