Home / Funny / Viral / Incredible History Of The Once Lost City Of Petra Which Is Now a World Wonder


The ancient city of Petra also referred to as the Rose City, is a breathtaking sight that one has to experience for themselves. The 4th century BCE saw the settlement of the formerly prosperous trade hub. One of the New 7 Wonders of the World, it is recognised for its architecture carved out of the red sandstone cliffs. Petra, the ancient Nabataean civilisation's capital, is situated in the southwestern Jordanian desert canyons. 

Over a million tourists visited Petra in 2019, a breathtaking site spanning over 102 square miles. Remarkably, the ruins of the ancient city offer far more than what we can see today. A staggering 85% of the site is still hidden beneath the surface, as only 15% of it has been excavated by archaeologists.

Incredible History Of The Once Lost City Of Petra Which Is Now a World Wonder 2

Even if you've never been to Petra, you might still be familiar with it from its appearance in movies. Its distinctive archaeology has served as a backdrop for movies such as Aladin, The Mummy Returns, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

When one approaches the location today, they will discover that they are travelling down the same route that merchants and tourists have been taking ever since Petra was built. The Siq, a lengthy, winding gorge, is a taste of what's to come. Its name, which means "the shaft" in English, creates a sense of suspense for the journey that lies ahead. The path is embellished with decorations that include a carved camel and niches that were intended to house Baetylus, or sculptures of gods.

Incredible History Of The Once Lost City Of Petra Which Is Now a World Wonder 3
Even though getting to the main action may seem like a long walk, it's well worth taking time to fully enjoy the experience. The first hints of Petra's well-known architecture will soon be visible.
Article Tags: Viral Wonder World Petra Lost City

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