Home / Funny / Viral / Incredible Perseid Meteor Shower On Its Way


The best season to observe meteors is in the summer. The nights are warm, the weather is fantastic, and the sky is spectacular. The debris strikes Earth's atmosphere as it passes through space debris fields. The trailing "shooting stars" that we see from Earth are made when the hot rocks burn up as they travel through our atmosphere. American viewers will have many opportunities to witness the breathtaking celestial event known as a meteor shower in the summer of 2024. The most prominent of these is the yearly Perseid meteor shower, which will be especially bright and spectacular this year because of the anticipated decrease in moonlight.

The Perseids are expected to start in late July, peak on August 11 and 12, then decrease through August 18, 2024. When visibility is at its highest, observers can expect to see 50–100 meteors per hour. The Moon is less than 50% bright for the week before August 12th, which makes the shooting meteors visible. For optimal viewing, meteor enthusiasts should aim to observe in the dark before dawn. Adventurers may be able to witness particularly breathtaking vistas from national parks, such as Grand Canyon National Park. (See Outside for a ranking of the top seven dark sky parks from which to watch the event.)

There are other, lesser meteor showers during the summer in case you miss the Perseids. Six meteor showers, including the "Capricornids, Delta Aquarids, Piscis Australis, Alpha Capricornids, Iota Aquarids, and Kappa Cygnids," are predicted by Space.com to occur between late July and late August of 2024. Go outside and take in these amazing sights. Since they were first seen by observers in 36 CE, at least, the Perseids have captivated people, and in 2024, they will still be amazing. 

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