Home / Funny / Animals / Adorable Dog Refuses To Step With More Than One Paw In The Cold Snow


Little adorable pup named Norman has always had a huge personality.  Norman’s day to day routine is giving a lot of love to his family and making them laugh with his goofy tactics, however when it comes to what he wants, he is not shy to to let his family know. 

Denise White, Norman’s mom said, “He’s so silly and mischievous. Nonstop hiding and trying to eat paper products.” 

Norman’s favourite hobby year long is to hide under a comfortable and cozy blanket where he would only get out from when he is in need of a snack. However, now that it is winter time in their home town, Norman much rather prefer staying under the blankets at all time. 

Adorable Dog Refuses To Step With More Than One Paw In The Cold Snow 2

After a snow storm that recently occurred in their home town, Norman’s mom disturbed him from his peaceful warm blanket nap to take him outside to do his business and get a little fresh air. After his mom opened up the door, Norman peeked outside with a lot of hesitation. Eventually Norman put one paw out in the snow which he immediately regretted and retreated back inside to his blanket. 

“He put one paw out, looked up at me and RAN back in and went straight for the couch."

Adorable Dog Refuses To Step With More Than One Paw In The Cold Snow 3

Norman’s family did however try to get him to go back outside, which he made very clear that he prefers the cozy life, and there was nothing cozy about the freezing cold snow. 

Knowing that they eventually had to get him outside to do his business, Norman’s dad got a way to make the snowy conditions outside a little more bearable for tiny Norman. After three hours he reluctantly left his blankets and ventured out into the cold. “He wouldn’t go back outside until my husband totally cleared a path with ice melt and there was no snow touching his stumpy paws.”

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