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Adorable pup named Zeke stole the hearts of the staff at The NOAH Center in Stanwood, Washington, where he is currently staying, with his unique and special feature. Zeke has a crooked grin and hasn’t had one of the easiest lives. However this adorable pup can’t help but smile and show off his unique feature. 

Katrina Wedin, dog care coordinator with The NOAH Center explained, “I cannot express how lovely he is. Zeke, beyond all else, is people-oriented and loves to have attention and interaction with people. He now has a massive fan club at our shelter — staff and volunteers included. He wants to be as close to you as possible. If you go into his suite at the shelter, the first thing he wants to do is lean and sit in your lap. Even though he’s a large dog, he does truly believe that he’s a lap dog."

Adorable Dog With Sweetest Crooked Smile Looking For Someone To Love Him For Him 2

Back in January at only seven-month-old,  Zeke first arrived at the shelter. A vet examination determined that his twisted face was due to a birth defect, but the snaggletooth doesn’t bother him. “He had to have some corrective dental surgeries. But it otherwise does not affect his day-to-day life in the slightest!”

After only a few months Zeke got adopted by a loving family, but unfortunately when his family fell on hard times, he wounded up back in the shelter. So now the adorable unique pup is on the look out for his new forever home and family. Although he has his unique feature, the shelter staff is hoping that his lopsided smile will touch somebody’s heart. “He is such a big, lovely, dorky gentleman with a face that no one can help but fall in love with. He is a lovely, goofy man who desperately wants to be loved and be loyal to a forever person. 

While he is waiting for his new family, Zeke’s happy to run around get some snuggles from his caregivers and is still continuing to show off his gorgeous smile and sweet personality.

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