Home / Funny / Viral / Antarctica Faces Extremely High Temperature Increase Due To Persistent Heat Wave


This is the second heat wave to hit Antarctica in the last two years, it began in mid-July and is almost certainly breaking records. Even though Antarctica is in the middle of its winter—the coldest and darkest season—some areas are seeing temperatures as high as 50°F above average. The heat wave is most severe in Eastern Antarctica, where dangerously high temperatures have risen to -22°F and even -13°F. The typical temperature ranges for this time of year are -58°F to -76°F.

Although the exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown, scientists believe that it is related to the unusual disruption of the southern polar vortex. Low-pressure systems and strong winds that are circulating 10 to 30 miles above the surface make up the southern polar vortex. Its main purpose is to trap cold air over Antarctica. The temperature rises when the wind pattern is disturbed because cold air escapes and is replaced by warmer air from the upper atmosphere.

The recurrent warm air waves from the southwest Indian Ocean are responsible for the heat wave's noteworthy duration and intensity. The waves came in quick succession and were quite frequent, causing the temperature to rise almost constantly. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) research physicist Amy Butler told The Washington Post that atmospheric waves were probably responsible for upsetting the vortex, which is normally stable in the winter. Butler clarified, "The main reason it is notable is that the Southern Hemisphere polar vortex is typically relatively quiet at this time of year."

This phenomenon only happens once every 20 years due to its extreme rarity. Butler claims that because heat waves are disrupted less frequently in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere, they are far less common there. The most extreme warming event to ever be recorded in Antarctica occurred during the previous heat wave in March 2022, with some areas experiencing temperatures as high as 70°F above average. In contrast, the current heatwave has expanded farther and lasted longer.

Concerns about the speed at which Greenland and Antarctica's glaciers are melting are frequently voiced by researchers. As Antarctic summer approaches, scientists fear that the continent may see more frequent heat waves. A climate catastrophe could result from such events because they could hasten the melting of ice and change ocean currents.

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