This ginger tabby, named Vituzzo Superstar, has demonstrated the incredible dedication and resilience animals have in the worst situations. Unfortunately, the poor tabby was run over by a car in December 2018 and faced some new challenges.
After being hit by the car, he was immediately taken to the hospital. Vituzzo had to have an operation. Unfortunately, though, the veterinarians were unable to save his hind legs. During this time, Vituzzo’s owners were on their honeymoon and unable to comfort him through the scary ordeal.
However, things seemed to turn around for the ginger tabby in December 2019, after a rough year for Vituzzo and his parents. The brave cat was finally fitted for prostheses and started to use the sleek, robotic legs to move around like his other four-legged friends.
Vituzzo has his own Instagram account where he shared his story. "It was not easy to get back on my feet with these stilts, or get used to not jumping anymore and not being the boss of the neighbourhood."
However, with the love and support of his owners and the people around him, he's proven that nothing is holding him back from living his best life.