Home / Funny / Viral / Divers Get Stunning Rare Encounter With Extremely Rare Octopus


Natasha Agra and a friend came upon somethings precious and rare when they were exploring the waters off the coast of Australia, along the Great Barrier Reef. Snorkelling in the waters, something very unusual and beautiful caught their attention. 

At first they didn’t think too much of it, definitely not that what they were about to encounter would have been a very rare species. “At first, we were unsure what it was.” But after getting much closer they finally were stunned. 

When Agra and her friend, who are both marine biologists, they realised that the animal was an octopus, but not just any kind of octopus. The beautiful species was an extremely rare blanket octopus. This is a very colourful species which are also known for their flowing, drape-like form.

Agra added, “We were both shocked to see this free-swimming, beautiful animal in front of us! We were both yelling into our snorkels with excitement.”

The two was fortunate enough to capture some stunning footage of the rare magnificent species. Watch the video they posted on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/636679837/videos/1576367692741802/

According to marine biologists, this rare species inhabits the deep waters of the open ocean. But this particular octopus seemed comfortable with being seen closer to shore. "She put on quite a show.”

The octopus continued on her venture after showing off her beauty for 30 minutes. She has certainly left Agra and her friend with a very special memory they will never forget. ”Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime encounter," Agra said.

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