The adorable Mickey Mouse dog named Goma, from Tokyo has stolen the hearts of many across the world. The 7-year-old cutie has been bringing joy to the world with her huge, fluffy, gray ears which makes her look like a real-life cartoon mouse.
Goma has the best qualities of both her breeds, Maltese and Papillon. Her unusual ears are adorably fluffy just like a Maltese dog, and point up like the fringed ears of a Papillon pup.
Goma is often compared to Mickey Mouse with her iconic round, fluffy ears which is almost just as tall as her head. However some have pointed out that this adorable pup also looks like an impossibly cute koala bear.
Goma and her ears are taking the Internet by storm as she already racked up over a 100,000 followers on Instagram. Her owners shares adorable photos and videos of the darling Goma on a daily basis. The little furry friend Cleary enjoys her life whether she’s being pushed around in her stroller, carried in a doggy backpack, or getting a lot of love from her owners. As much as she enjoys exploring the outdoors, she also loves playing with her toys and snuggling up in her bed. And despite have the best doggo life, she also has an entire array of adorable accessories such as bow ties, neckties, harnesses and even bunny ears to sparkle up her days.