Home / Funny / Animals / Dog Steals Reporter's Microphone On Live TV


This is definitely a contender for the best news blooper ever.

Let’s set the scene: spring is around the corner and, after a gruelling winter in Russia, it seems like the weather is finally turning. Great idea for a weather reporter to announce this good news while standing outside on a spring-ish day.

That’s what a reporter from Mir TV in Moscow thought would be a great idea… until a Golden Retriever interrupted her mid interview to grab the microphone out of her hands and run off with it.

With the dog running off with the microphone the reporter had no choice but to run after it. Luckily the cameraman did what he gets paid to do and kept the camera rolling. Viewers saw scenes of the reporter’s hilarious attempt at catching the dog and getting the microphone out of its mouth.

It all turned out well in the end as the reporter was able to carry on with her report and the dog even obeyed by sitting next to her for an interview even though the microphone now sports a few bite marks.

Microphone… chew toy. Same same, but different?

Watch the Inside Edition video below to see the hilarity unfold, and look out for the in-studio presenter’s face when the dog grabs the microphone.

Image credit: Inside Edition

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