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Video: People Who Perfectly Crushed The Ex-text 2

Video: People Who Perfectly Crushed The Ex-text 3

Video: People Who Perfectly Crushed The Ex-text 4

When two people break up, its generally for the best even though it can leave them feeling a little sad. Other times, it leaves at least one of the two partners relieved but it can lead to some underlying crazy coming-out-the-woodwork and a lot of grovelling.

These people can vouch for the crazy part:

"Two years after I ending things, she attempted to contact me again. I wasn’t having it. After a few failed attempts, she sent another message that said, 'You better find your God now because I’m going to f**king murder you.'"

"Ex-girlfriend tried to hit me with her car. Chased me down an alley that was enclosed in a high fence on one side condos on the other.
Proceeded to call me next day at work and tell me that I looked like a sexy cheetah running away from her car."

"My first boyfriend tried to convince me he had slashed his wrists because I wouldn’t take him back. The “blood” was very obviously Catalina salad dressing…"

"My second ex-girlfriend was waiting for me in the living room about four days after we broke up. I forgot she had the second key to my apartment. She had a cup of wine in her hand and a fuckin knife. I fucking ran for my life and called the police. They got there in time and arrested her.
Pants were shat on."

"When I broke up with my ex, she started trying to befriend a girl I liked and wanted to ask out (and did, and got a yes from). One day she invited my new GF over and there was a big montage of pictures of my face on the wall that apparently stayed up for another 18 months, 12 of which she had a BF for."

"Had an ex cut the brake lines on my truck. Was on my way home from school when all of a sudden the pedal sank to the floor."

"Mine e-mailed me last night, over a year after our breakup and one day after his ‘heartfelt apology’: “In my dreams, I see myself spitting in your face and crushing your oesophagus with my bare hands.”

But these people also had the perfect response to those crazy ex texts when they tried to come crawling back. Check out the video below for some examples to perfectly crush that ex text!

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