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This is a hilarious compilation of kid vs parent moments will have you lolling.

We join YouTuber, AzzyLand, as she comments on some of the funniest kid vs parent moments caught on camera. She's an amusing young lady as it is, so her comments will have you in stitches.

Some of these interactions between kids and their parents are excellent. Just look at the family who plays hide-and-seek in the store. Or the parents who tied their kid to a bunch of weights to get him to sit still – ingenious!

Other funnies include a kid who managed to climb inside one of those claw games at the arcade. He then started to drop sweets to the other kids while they waited for someone to get him out. That kid must have been the most popular dude there.

One of the best stories must be about the kid who makes the best outfits for Halloween. One year he went as a post box, and the following year, as a vending machine with real crisps and snacks inside.

There are many more hilarious moments in the video below but, we'll leave you with the best message ever written in a Christmas card. It says, "I wish I could say 'die in a hole', but it's Christmas, so Merry Christmas."

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