Home / Funny / Animals / Pet Rat Mr. Bilk Plays Tiny Harmonica For His New Spotify Track


We all have probably seen or heard of the cat playing the keyboard, but there is a new talented four-legged musician making his way on to Spotify. 

Mr. Bilk, the pet rat, found his talent and love for playing the harmonica. Even though rats are famously intelligent, Mr. Bilk seems to be particularly talented when it comes to making music. 

Little Bilk’s owners (known as spacecaptainz on TikTok) shared his latest video of him playing a catchy tune on a tiny harmonica which he used to produce his new track released on Spotify. His original video reached over four million views. Even though Mr. Bilk is famous, he is not letting the fame go to his head. The video was captioned, “It's not the best song but at least he tried!”

Watch Mr. Bilk here: https://www.tiktok.com/@spacecaptainz/video/7001849411626126597?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6994694768317384194&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0

But as we know, Mr. Bilk couldn’t have done all of this on his own and had the help of his humans and off course a dollop of honey as encouragement. “My boyfriend got the world’s tiniest harmonica from a close friend for his birthday. One day he got home from work and said we should try and let Mr. Blik play on it. With the help of some sweet good honey, we created this song!”


In another video Mr. Bilk’s parents revealed the behind the scenes of how the song was made. The finished track features Mr. Bilk’s harmonica recording, along with happy keyboard notes and playful drum beats. “I just sat on this keyboard. Chilled for a while, and that’s it!” Said Mr, Bilk while he was enjoying himself in the studio.

Listen to his famous song here: https://open.spotify.com/track/47eavOFE3cRXzB4TO3aJs0

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