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Video: The Most Magical Word In The English Language - Nsfw! 2

Video: The Most Magical Word In The English Language - Nsfw! 3

Sentence enhancers can come in the form of your normal, everyday adjectives or they could also come from the colorful variety that we aren't supposed to use. 

THIS VIDEO IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR LITTLE EARS – This disclaimer is bold and we  will not be held liable from here on, in fact, I will even give you some space to stop scrolling.










This video is a philosophical nod to the word "fuck". While the man in the video is seemingly old and somewhat holy, his wisdom is everlasting. Ok, I'll admit, it was a bit weird at first to hear so many swear words coming out of his mouth in such a sophisticated, thought out manner, but hey, listen to what he has to say.

I wish I was taught verbs, adjectives, and nouns like this! I don't think I would ever be able to forget it!

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