Home / Funny / Viral / Swedens Obsession With Food In Tubes


Yes, items in tubes aren’t that weird at all. There’s toothpaste, paint and face cream. But what about caviar? Or prawn-flavoured cheese spread?

Sweden is a country known for simplicity. And now, thanks to Great Big Story’s video, also for their love of tubes. Specifically, food in tubes.

In fact, they love food in tubes so much that a student actually wrote her master thesis on the matter because, as an ex-pat, she found it strange.

Through her research, Karla Marie Peredes found that Swedes don’t consider their tube habit strange at all. In fact, they have divided it into categories. As one does, you know.

There are certain food tubes like prawn-flavoured cheese spread that are perfect for sandwiches or crackers, while others are better used as condiments, like mayonnaise, or tomato puree for cooking.

Caviar is seen as a delicacy all over the world. But in a tube? Oh yes, it still is. The thinking behind the tubes is not to make products more affordable or accessible for the average person, but rather for practicality and functionality.

Peredes says it’s clean and convenient – something that fits right in with the Swedish simplicity image.

Well, with Swedish style and flair taking the world by storm (thanks Ikea!), it’s probably not long before we’re all spreading our sandwiches with spreads from tubes.

Watch the Great Big Story’s FoodTube... sorry... YouTube video below for more on Sweden’s obsession with food in tubes.

Image credit: Toddling Through Europe

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