After MrBeast shared what Elon Musk said to him during their first face-to-face meeting, internet users were left shaking their heads in shock. When MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, sat down for an interview with fellow YouTuber Theo Von this month to discuss everything related to life and career, he recalled first meeting Musk. Both MrBeast and Musk were referred to by Von as "pioneers in certain schools of thought," but MrBeast noted that he is "pioneering funny videos" while Musk is occupied with projects like "taking us to Mars... talking through your phone with your brain [and] fixing traffic."
"But yeah, we bumped into each other at the Super Bowl, said 'hi'," he joked, adding, "I don't know if I'd put those [at the same level]." MrBeast continued by recalling that Musk, who was presumably trying to pick MrBeast's brain because of his status as a social media star, asked him a specific question when they first met. "I believe he asked me, 'Do I think people still call X 'Twitter, or do people call it X?'" he said. MrBeast wasn't going to lie, and I believe we all know the answer to that one.
"I was like uh, 'most people call it Twitter, that I've noticed'," he recalled, before adding that Musk described his response as 'interesting'. People went crazy over how much Musk wanted the new identity for his social media platform to remain after MrBeast's revelation. "Everyone literally refers to it as Twitter. One person wrote: "It's Twitter Elon," while another added: "If they mention X at all, they're like 'now known as X' (with an eye roll)." Twitter will always be the case.
A fourth Twitter user replied, "Wait, that's kind of sad ngl," while another made fun of the idea that the platform's name was something that "keep[s] Elon up at night." I will continue to refer to it as Twitter. In July 2023, Musk started rebranding Twitter, most notably by replacing the company's iconic blue bird logo with a black-and-white one that includes an 'X'. The action was taken after the CEO of SpaceX successfully acquired Twitter in October 2022, but over a year later, people are still not embracing the new moniker.
MrBeast stated that he and Musk have not met and do not currently have any plans to collaborate, aside from their encounter at the Super Bowl. "Elon himself is not involved," he stated, "but I'm in conversations with people at SpaceX and we've been cooking ideas and things like that."