Home / Funny / Animals / Tiny Puppy Decorates Entire Living Room With Chair Stuffing And Hides In It


Adorable Jazmine has always been a super curious puppy who enjoys stealing interesting shoes and carry them around. She’s always been happy to just play, cuddle and be with her people. Making messes has never really been her thing, however Jazmine soon discovered otherwise. 

Katie Robinson, Jazmine’s mom said, “She doesn’t even try to rip the stuffing or squeakers out of her toys, so the beanbag chair massacre was unexpected.”

While Robinson was busy folding laundry upstairs one day, Jazmine and her sister, Hazel, were sleeping peacefully downstairs. She went back upstairs for about 45 minutes, and found a huge surprise when she came back down. Robinson was shocked to find the biggest mess she’d ever seen created by puppies.

Tiny Puppy Decorates Entire Living Room With Chair Stuffing And Hides In It 2

Jazmine and Hazel decided to have a little fun and see what exactly was inside the giant beanbag chair standing in the living room. Jazmine never before participated in any sort of destruction, however, Robinson suspects that the little pup saw Hazel getting into it and couldn’t resist. After the two removed every last bit of the stuffing, they peacefully fell asleep in their mess.  That is exactly how Robinson found them. The pair was innocently napping in the middle of their destruction acting as though nothing has happened. 

Even though the mess was enormous, Robinson wasn’t even upset, in fact she couldn’t stop laughing.  “I wasn’t mad, more of a shock that they made such a mess so quickly and were already sleeping again like nothing happened. In the video, I snuck up on the sleeping pups and when I got near Jazmine, I said, ‘What did you do?!’ And that’s when she looks up at the camera with those sweet, innocent puppy eyes and laid her head back down — she was exhausted from all that work apparently. However, Hazel, the Chiweenie, knew she was busted and walked away with her head down. They did not get in trouble — the mess was too impressive to even get mad.”

Watch the video here: https://www.tiktok.com/@katierobinson095/video/7056081134903594287

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