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Fashion trends come and go. Of course, most celebs try to keep up, but a celebrity's fashion can complete their public identity.

They use their fashion and look to show the world more than just their style, but to express to the world who they ARE (or who they want us to think they are). 

Celebrities have the complete right to transform themselves over their years of fame – and the transformation usually happens with style, fashion, music AND behaviour all at once!

Most often, celebs will transform their style as a method to show the world that they have grown up – Miley Cyrus would be a good example here: she went from cute Hannah Montana to the hottie that can't be tamed, to the tongue-wagging lunatic, and has now returned to a beautiful, classy and true version of herself!

You never know what will come next. But, like wine, some things get better with age.

And these celeb fashion trends certainly have!

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