Home / Entertainment / Viral / Video: 10 Fashion Items That Went From Cringe To Cool!


Everybody knows that fashion trends come and go... It can be a bit frustrating. We constantly have to throw out clothes that have fallen off the trend-wagon and replace them with popular fashion items that all the cool people are wearing.

But, what people often forget is that history has a habit of repeating itself! And this especially applies to fashion.

I mean, do you remember laughing at the 80's high waisted look? And now almost every girl has at least one pair of high waisted shorts, pants or skirts.

Fashion always comes back in style!

So maybe we should stop chucking out our clothes because, you never know, they could be the biggest trend in the next decade!

Watch this video to see fashion trends that went from being shunned by the world to big hits on the red carpet!

Here's a fun tip: watch till the end and count how many of these fashion items are in YOUR closet!

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