Whether we want to admit it or not, we haven't always been the stylish gorgeous people that we are today! There have been times when the fashion trends of the day may not have complimented our general style so well. If you're lucky, you can blame it on your parents deciding a pony that resembles a unicorn horn on your head was cute, or those really saggy dungarees – not on, mom!.
If you were a bit older, you have no one to blame but yourself for your poor choice of clothes or applying make up a less tactfully than you do now. Teenagers are bound to get acne and coat their skin with thick layers of foundation that seem to steal their eyebrows off their faces.
The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes... but this is dedicated to those who still haven't seen their mistakes! This is for the people who tried to make a fashion statement but failed miserably.
Watch the clip below for some cringeworthy enjoyment.