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Video: 10 Really Important Inventions That Can Save The Environment 2

Video: 10 Really Important Inventions That Can Save The Environment 3

Humans are by far one of the most destructive species on earth as shown by the diminishing forests and the ever expanding plastic-filled oceans. Luckily, there are a couple of talented people out there who are working on creating things to save the environment one plastic packet at a time and their inventions will bowl you over.

The first is called a Seabin which basically creates a suction of water which pulls in and captures the garbage bag and filters out the water back into the sea.

Then, we all recycle glass (hopefully) but how does it really get recycled? Well, there's a machine that crushes glass into powder which is used as sand to preserve beaches.

Another cool idea do deal with the vast amount of litter in the sea that animals choke to death on. Salt Water Brewery created edible packaging, made of barley and wheat, that the animals are able to use as food.

Crowded city centres clogged up by traffic often cause a lot of air pollution but AIR–INK literally sucks the pollution right out the air and creates ink with all the pollution.

These are just a few ways that prove how important recycling actually is. Check out more things you can do with your tires or by even re-using old food scraps!

Let's make a trend out of saving the environment for the next generation to enjoy too!

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