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Video: First Peacocks In Airports Now Dinosaurs? 2

Video: First Peacocks In Airports Now Dinosaurs? 3

If there was ever a way to make dinosaurs eating people funny... leave it to Chris Pratt. Recently, a passenger who attempted to get on a flight with a "service peacock" went viral as the person claimed it was for emotional support. While United Airlines had been considering updating its guidelines for service and comfort animals, the peacock was denied entry claiming that it: “did not meet guidelines for a number of reasons, including its weight and size." The airline even said: “We explained this to the customer on three separate occasions before they arrived at the airport.”

Guidelines on the transportation of animals state that unusual animals are "assessed on a case by case basis" and that airlines must reject animals that are "too large or heavy to accommodate in the flight cabin, pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others, could cause a significant disruption of service or are prohibited from entering a foreign country".

We understand the importance and need of service animals but doesn't a peacock seem a bit too... much.

What if Chris Pratt tried to bring a dinosaur on board. I mean, just because it’s a Velociraptor with knives for teeth doesn’t mean it’s not his best friend. Even a dinosaur capable of taking your life in a matter of mere seconds could provide emotional support...

See what we mean in the clip below!

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