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Video: Bella Thorne Rakes In Huge Cash Through Social Media 2

Video: Bella Thorne Rakes In Huge Cash Through Social Media 3

Video: Bella Thorne Rakes In Huge Cash Through Social Media 4

There is a big difference between being insta-famous and being Bella Thorne insta-famous, as she has admitted to earning up to £45,000 on one Instagram post. She claimed that she made so much money off social media, she bought herself a £1.4 million house and admitted during a video for Vogue that: “For grid posting it's 65 grand a post. For story posting, it's anywhere from 10 to 20K, and for Snapchat it is the same as Insta Story.”

Bella has been under the spotlight since she was a child and has racked up an impressive 17.3 million followers on Instagram and 10 million on Facebook, and admitted during the interview that: “Facebook has around 10 million followers that's one where, if you wanted to do a deal where you're like, hey, give us less here and we'll pay you more for this post and then also on Facebook, you know, I'm down to do something like that too. Instagram is a hundred percent a job to me. I started out at 18 with literally $200 in my bank account and I bought this house a year later, a year and a half, and that's all from social media.”

However, she doesn't post photos without thinking about its implications first. She admitted to studying the demographic and engagement statistics to know exactly what her audience wants to see. Her tactful social media skills allowed her to buy a 6 bedroom house in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles in 2016 and she is well known for posting make-up free, glam-free photos on Instagram to showcase her reality instead of putting up an artificial filter that Instagrammers seem to use to portray a "perfect" life.

We don't see many imperfect aspects of earning millions on Instagram!

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