Home / Entertainment / Sexy / Video: Do Not Marry A Guy With These 5 Habits!


Marriage is a special moment in every woman's life. We dream about it as little girls and can't wait to have our special day in white. Marriage is, also, a day of BIG promises. It's a day where two people declare to love each other for the rest of their lives – for better or worse, in sickness and health.

Above all, marriage is a sacred union between two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together.

But let's face the facts here: 50% of marriage end in divorce, and 40% of those who stay married classify themselves as being unhappy in their marriage. Marriage just isn't what it used to be.

That means that a girl needs to be really, really careful when choosing their lifelong partner. No time for jumping into a marriage with just anyone who gives you attention ladies!

So, if you want to get married one day, you should probably watch this video to be warned about the 5 habits of men you should NEVER marry.

For example, pathological lying. A little white lie here and there may not be a big deal, but when he keeps doing it – that's pathological. 

Or over spending. Because you don't want to look at your receipts one day and realise your husband has spent half of your money on some dumb toy he'll love for 10 minutes.

So watch this video and be warned – never marry a guy with even ONE of these habits!

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