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The Fidget Spinner euphoria has flooded the world, but what about space? The Fidget Spinner has also reached scientists at the international space station, and the main question to ask is how long does it spin in space? Allowing the fidget spinner to float reduces the bearing action by permitting the rate of the central ring and outer spinner to equalize, and the whole thing spins as a unit. 

First, the Fidget Spinner can be rotated between an astronaut's finger or anchored to something, this makes for a fixed axis. Technically the spinner will come to halt by transferring its momentum to the astronaut or the object it is anchored to. In principle, this would cause a free-floating astronaut to rotate!

Since the mass of an astronaut is much larger than a spinner, and the radius is now 10-100 times larger, the rate of spin is one-millionth of the original, which you would obviously never notice. Thus, eventually, it would stop. Scientists say this is a great way to experiment with Newton's laws of motion. We say it looks much more amazing than on Earth, have a look at the video below of the NASA astronauts fidget spinning in space!!

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