Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: Hilarious And Genius Vandalism!


So, we're definitely not trying to encourage vandalism here: after all, it's destruction of property. 

But we do have something to say... People have an extremely negative stigma towards vandalism. You can't always blame them because if someone sprays something less-than-classy on your car, you have the right to be pretty upset.

However, we often forget that what one person considers vandalism or destruction of property, another may consider it art. Sometimes vandalism can turn something ordinary and make it beautiful. They can turn something mundane into a thought-provoking comment on society. They can turn something sad into something humorous. 

Art is supposed to change the way people think – and, in some cases, that is exactly what vandalism achieves. 

Because those vandals we all seem to look down on have a small selection of brilliant, creative and genius artists with something to say. They entertain society, and they make society think. 

This video contains examples of absolutely hilarious, random and GENIUS vandalism. 

Watch the video and perhaps you may see vandalism in an entirely different colour. 

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