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Video: Meet The Girl Who Yelled 'f–k You' To President Trump 2

Video: Meet The Girl Who Yelled 'f–k You' To President Trump 3

Video: Meet The Girl Who Yelled 'f–k You' To President Trump 4

Caitlin Marriot managed to pluck up the courage to say to President Trump what everyone else was thinking on the fateful day of the 19th of June.....

Marriot is currently interning in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and is currently enrolled in the Keene State (Class of ’19), majoring in criminal justice and psychology. The incident happened after Trump arrived at the office of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan for negotiations on a recommended immigration compromise. As Trump walked through the entrance, Marriot yelled: "Mr President, F—you!" then ran from where she had been standing with a group of interns. Capitol Police were put on high alert to determine that the outburst was not a threat to Trump's safety.

Since being identified, she has been suspended from her position as an intern for one week. Aaron Jacobs, Sen. Hassan’s communications director released an official statement saying: "We are aware of the situation and have taken disciplinary action, including a one-week suspension and revoking her Congressional intern ID badge. Thereby restricting her access to the Capitol, in response to her breach of office policies regarding respectful and appropriate conduct,"

This incident happened mere hours before protesters from the Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America gathered outside local Mexican restaurant where Department of Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen was enjoying a meal with her family and surrounded the restaurant shouting "Shame! Shame!" and "End family separation!". On Friday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary, was requested to leave a restaurant called the Red Hen on the premise that "Sanders worked in the service of an ‘inhumane and unethical’ administration," reported by The Washington Post’s Avi Selk and Sarah Murray. Sanders left the restaurant gracefully but later took to Twitter to publicize the incident, sparking a huge Twitter debate including a tweet from Trump calling the restaurant "filthy".

These protests seem to be forging on as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) at a rally Saturday called for people against Trump and his ideas to harass his Cabinet members if they see them in public.

Is shouting profanity and outrightly disrespecting government officials the correct way to fight back or do they have no other choice?

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