Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: People Recreate Their First Day Of School Outfit


Your first day of school as a child is a huge milestone, and a memory a parent always wants to remember as you leave the nest.

Also, your first day of school almost always has two things in common:

1. Your parents dress you up in what might be the most adorable and fashionable outfit at the time, but certainly won't be later.

2. Without a doubt, a picture will be taken.

So, when you look back at that photo, certain feelings come up. One might be nostalgia. But the others are usually embarrassment and an "I can't believe they let me wear that in public" kind of feeling. 

So, as a fun and hilarious experiment, these people take those photos and try to recreate their first day of school outfits.

This is challenging for a number of reasons.

First of all, it's hardly believable that the outfit in the photo will involve any clothing still on the market.

Second, you have to look at yourself in the mirror afterwards. And that's gotta be challenging.

Watch the video and see people recreate their first day of school outfit!

Would you wear your first-day outfit today?

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