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Video: This Girl Will Inspire You To Reach For The Stars In Just One Minute! 2

Video: This Girl Will Inspire You To Reach For The Stars In Just One Minute! 3

So, there are a ton of motivational speakers out there that may have gone through really tragic things in their lives and they now use it to inspire others. We salute those who have the strength to mould themselves to become better... and this specific lady, Abby Wagner, went viral for her inspiring videos. She hasn't lost a limb or had an accident but for some reason, she has the gift of getting people to chase their dreams.

We aren't sure if it's the nails or her ability to speak like velvet but she has a shining personality that makes people listen! She is best known as Just Livin Baby and started to get attention with her video called "doing you". She claims to get inspiration from her religion saying, "I started doing those because I had some days where I was dead broke, didn’t have no gas, and out the blue, God would just bless me with some funds. In random places, like in my glove box, I’d find ten dollars. Or lookin’ in my shirt pocket I’d find some money. So I was just like, “You know what, let me start telling people how good God is."

This girl will have you living your best life in no time! Check out some of her videos and let us know what you think.

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