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These Celebrities Restored Our Faith In Humanity With Their Kindness 2

These Celebrities Restored Our Faith In Humanity With Their Kindness 3

These Celebrities Restored Our Faith In Humanity With Their Kindness 4

Celebs often use Twitter to connect with their fans and respond to anything fans might post. When fans actually get a reply, they go mad! We can't blame them because we know we would freak out too. J.K. Rowling has been known to reply to people on Twitter and even comforts fans who reach out to her for advice. This time she responded to a tweet by a Harry Potter fan who tweeted, "Dragging myself through another bout of severe depression and re-reading the Harry Potter series to strengthen my Patronus. A million thanks to @jk_rowling for the magical escape that's always there when it's needed".

This clearly struck a relatable chord with Rowling as she responded by tweeting: "Those stories saved their author too. Nothing makes me happier to think they went out into the world to do the same for other people. Keep that Patronus powerful". Another fan joined in the conversation saying: "I grew up with your stories and they’ve always helped me through tough times, but besides the stories of your own making, I can’t help but to wonder which ones you turned to when going through a tough time yourself." She said: "To tell you the truth, when I'm really stressed or overwhelmed I turn to biographies of people who've led turbulent lives. I find it soothing and inspiring to read about people who've endured and overcome."

What a sweet and wholesome response! It's so good to see powerful people encouraging others and humanising themselves to help people see that everyone goes through struggles.

In a similar situation, Ayen Alambat tweeted photos from her little brother Aaron's birthday party which was Stranger Things themed. He invited 8 friends and none of them showed up so Alambat took to Twitter saying: "My brother invited 8 of his classmates for his Stranger Things themed bday party & none of their punk selves showed up". People felt equally upset and angry about this so it was retweeted over 37 000 times at which point it reached Millie Bobby Brown herself.

She responded to the upsetting post saying: "What!!!! Oh Well, You can let them all know that everyone on behalf of Stranger Things would’ve come! I think you're awesome and next year I would like an invite... Please?" Imagine your idol asking to be invited to your next party!!! Both the Alambats promptly accepted the invite and also extended the invitation to the whole cast. The next party won't just be Stranger Things themed, it will be the coolest party ever!

In the midst of such negativity and cyberbullying on social media, kindness like this is important!

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