Everyone with a sibling will know that growing up, it can be a complete NIGHTMARE! They take your clothes, prank you, annoy you and make you wish you were an only child. But you'll also know that, as you get older, they end up being the person you cherish the most.
Well, most of the time.
People with brothers will often insist they have it the worst, while others with sisters will argue that having their best dress stolen by their little sis makes them the ultimate victim.
That's because every sibling situation is different. Having a brother and being a brother is different. The same goes for having or being a sister. Let's not even start with myths like middle-child syndrome – or when every child in the family argues that their age position is the WORST.
The point is – every family is different – and here's how!
Watch the video to see the difference between having a brother vs. having a sister!