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Video: The Epic Mcdonald's Beatdown With Ozzy Man 2

Video: The Epic Mcdonald's Beatdown With Ozzy Man 3

Video: The Epic Mcdonald's Beatdown With Ozzy Man 4

We have said it before and we will say it again... crazy things happen in McDonald's – this time involving wrestling-style body slams and using chairs to beat people with.

Basically, a Las Vegas McDonald's employee, Erika Chavolla, called out a customer, Sabrinah Fontelar, for trying to steal soda by filling a water cup with soda. After receiving a bit of lip from the customer, the McDonald's employee had enough.

All of a sudden drinks were flying, trays were being thrown and wild banshee-like screaming occurred. The argument had clearly been going on for a while as the video only starts at the pinnacle of rage. Chavolla leaps from behind the counter, werewolf style and immediately start throwing punches and pulling hair, boobs were unseated from their proper position and onlookers jumped to the rescue to pull the two apart.

THEN... Fontelar decides to start with the other girl holding her back... BIG MISTAKE! After getting in a few punches for herself, she threw the thieving Fontelar right back into the lion's cage and at the mercy of the McDonald's employee. Well, Fontelar clearly had the sense knocked out of her as she even tries to grab a chair (that she can barely lift) to beat Chavolla with.

The video ends with Chavolla grabbing the chair out her hand and walking away.
Ding ding, round over! Although McDonald's head office is investigating the matter... we know who won!

Take a look at Ozzy Man's review of the incident below.


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