Home / Funny / Viral / Word War II Veteran Finally Completed His High School Diploma At Almost a 100-Years Old


Richard Remp, a resident of Maryland, enlisted in the military during World War II at the age of 17, having dropped out of high school. Following this, he stayed in the Marines and served as a decorated gunnery sergeant in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Remp, like a great number of men and women who served in World War II, never obtained his high school diploma, despite having a distinguished military career. That is, until May, when Remp, who is now 98 years old, received a high school diploma from Pennsylvania's Sharon High School.

Superintendent Justi Glaros, American Legion Post 247, and Remp's family all contributed to this act of kindness. Glaros drove 4.5 hours to Remp's house in Poolesville, Maryland, to personally deliver the diploma to the veteran after persuading her school board to approve it.

Glaros gave Remp the long-overdue diploma and a Sharon Tigers t-shirt in front of his family. Remp has stage four cancer and is currently receiving hospice care at home. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the gesture, even though the veteran did not attend Sharon High School. Following years of service to his country, his community has made a significant effort to give back. 

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