Home / Funny / Viral / Actor And Now Artist Pierce Brosnan Makes His First Solo Personal Art Debut


Perhaps the most well-known role that Irish actor Pierce Brosnan played was that of James Bond. But ever since he left the franchise, he has focused more on his other artistic interests, painting being one of them. While acting has taken centre stage, Brosnan has intermittently painted since he was a student in Ireland. In his debut solo exhibition, So Many Dreams, he presents a selection of his oeuvre, the majority of which is deeply personal to the artist.

Numerous expansive drawings and vividly coloured paintings are on display in this exhibition. His style changes with the subject matter of his artwork rather than fitting neatly into one category. Appearing more minimalist at times, and more dense and detailed at others. Brosnan paints a variety of subjects, including interiors, landscapes, and portraits. He has always loved painting, but he didn't start using it as a cathartic outlet until 1987 when his first wife Cassandra Harris was given an ovarian cancer diagnosis. 

Brosnan explained, “One night, I got up, and I just started painting. I started painting with my fingers. I went to the canvas to explore that dark rage, that kind of fractured pain that I had. But the colour came out. And so the colour balance to whatever that inner life was.” 

“I still have so many dreams. I have fulfilled coming to America. Creating a career for myself was a big dream and a gamble, and it paid off. So Many Dreams is a love story. It’s a love story of women who have influenced my life and my children and the art form that I make as an actor.”

Brosnan has carried on painting and drawing ever since Harris passed away in 1991. His wife Keely Shaye Brosnan's encouragement keeps him going these days. He claims that he took the risk to ultimately present his artwork portfolio because of her encouragement. The release of So Many Dreams coincided with the actor's seventieth birthday, which was no accident. Brosnan says, "It's my own birthday present to myself—the courage to say, come see my artwork." 

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