Search Results - What does lekker mean Video: People Having A Worse Day Than You - Hilarious!We all have shitty days - we all spill our c... Video Video: I'm Into Fitness. Fitness Whole Pizza In My Mouth!The struggle of junk food is just too real. ... Food Video: Ladies Who Had The Balls To Ask Their Crush Out!British relationship blogger, Oloni, has set... Crush Video: The Secret Diary Of A DogIf dogs could talk, life would automatically... Could Video: Guy Does A Manual On His Skateboard For Over Half A Mile. Epic Skill!Kelso Kubat: first attempt at the World Reco... Manual Video: Less Then Jolly Christmas CardsJohn Cessna was away over the Christmas peri... Christmas Video: Do Companies Think Racism Sells?It seems large corporations arent doing such... Heineken Video: When Judges Just Can't Stop Laughing At Auditions!It takes a lot of guts for aspiring singers ... Judges Video: The Worst Road Rage Ever!This is Arthur. Arthur educates his audience... Rage Video: Karma Is A Dish Best Served Immediatley!People can be horrible. Some people just hav... Karma Video: Babies Who Feel The Same Way We Do About Getting Out Of BedWaking up in the morning is hard! Seriously,... Bed Video: What Do You Mean I Can't Be Touching You All The Time, Human?We dont care what you say or how big our dog... Babies Living On The Edge Can Cause Some Serious Injury | Fail ArmyFail Army always has legendary videos submit... Fail Video: Man Downs Full Bottle Of Brandy In 5 Seconds.Does this guy have a deathwish or does he ju... Brandy Video: What Your Girlfriend Says Vs What She Actually MeansA lot of people often complain that their gi... Actually Video: Do You Have Your Life Figured Out?Heres an enormously scary and overwhelming q... Figured Video: Boundaries Do Not Exist Between Best FriendsBest friends can take doing things together ... Best Video: Yes, But Did You Die...We all have bad days, its part of life. Mayb... Anyone Video: A Hilarious Farewell To Zuma In 201 And 8South Africans are all in a state of euphori... Zuma < 12345