Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: When Judges Just Can't Stop Laughing At Auditions!


It takes a lot of guts for aspiring singers to stand in front of a panel of judges and put their voice out there. But, to be fair, it also takes a lot of courage for judges to have to tell the truth in a nice, polite way (well, not really for Simon, but you know what we mean).

And, before you judge the judges, you have to admit: you're at home in front of the TV laughing just as loudly and judging just as harshly yourself!

I mean, don't deny it, some of these auditions are ridiculous and we just can't help but laugh.

On top of that is that well-known crippling feeling of wanting to laugh but knowing that you can't or when it's not appropriate. And knowing that you can't slip out a giggle makes you want to laugh even more!

And let's not blame Simon here – he isn't the only judge on the panel with a face turning red from trying not to laugh!

WARNING: these laughs are CONTAGIOUS! 

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