Home / Funny / Animals / Adorable Dog Determined To Fit Huge Stick In Car Adorable Dog Determined To Fit Huge Stick In Car


When Henry was still a little puppy, he was super tiny but always had the biggest personality. Amy W. Martin, Henry’s mom said, “Henry is 2, and we have had him since he was the size of a 6-foot sub from Subway. His personality: persistent. If it's not his way, it’s NO way.”

There is a few things Henry is very unwilling to compromise on, and sticks are definitely one of the top ones. Henry has a huge love for all sticks. When he is out and about and finds himself a good stick of his choosing, he’s always determined to try and find a way to take it home despite his parents telling him otherwise.

“He loves sticks, but we try not to let him chew on them as they have made his mouth bleed. If he finds one on a walk, we need to negotiate with him when we get back to the car.”

Adorable Dog Determined To Fit Huge Stick In Car Adorable Dog Determined To Fit Huge Stick In Car 2

In one of Henry’s recent adventures, he found himself the biggest stick of all. But when it comes to the end of the day he refused to listen to anyone who told him no. Henry took the huge stick to the car and very quickly went about trying to find a way to get the stick inside. But unfortunately, the stick was just too huge to fit into the door.

After trying for several minutes and giving it his all, Henry still couldn’t find a way to get the stick in the car. For sure Henry was super disappointed in everyone who refused to help him and that he had to leave his beloved stick behind. However, we must say that his efforts to take it with him were heroic.

“Him trying to get the stick in the car is nothing new,” Martin said. “Typical him!”

Watch the cute video here on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sir.henryarchibald/video/7034996662518975750?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=7017723671428318722&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0

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