Home / Funny / Viral / Chef Creates Mind Blowing Food That Appears Like Inedible


When it comes to Chef Ben Churchill's plates, things are not always as it seems. His food art is an ongoing series of optical illusions that hide delicious desserts under the guise of inanimate objects or completely different dishes.

Churchill expertly shapes his panna cottas, biscuits and jellies to mimic the size and shape of what he is trying to imitate; they look so compelling that you only realise they're a sweet treat by browsing through them.

Chef Creates Mind Blowing Food That Appears Like Inedible 2
Churchill has been a chef for over 10 years, but he's only been trying his hand at baking for two years. "I decided to learn the basics," he explained, "but decided to switch to mimetic foods just to see what could be done. It motivated me  to learn more and more.” It allows inspiration to come from everywhere, resulting in unexpected creations such as pannacotta cigarettes in an ashtray and a cleaning sponge  with “foam”, or rather  sweet milk froth.

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