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A unexpected visitor, or maybe not so unexpected, walked through the door of Dayse Ferreira's veterinary clinic in Brazil injured. 

The adorable dog was sick and injured and came to search for help. And what better place is there that heals pups, than a vet. Ferreira had just finished up with a client when suddenly the poor pup came limping into the doors. When Ferreira approached him, he seemed to trust her immediately.

"When he came in, he put the injured paw forward, as if to say hello and to show that he was hurting," Ferreira explain, adding, "We were surprised because he knew where to ask for help."

Injured Stray Dog Looks For Help At Vet Clinic 2

After giving the dog a quick examination, Ferreira discovered that the pups paw was not too seriously injured, but was more concerned about what she also discovered. It was a good thing he'd visited the clinic when he did. 

She'd discovered that the sweet pup was covered in fleas and also had a small tumour. But fortunately for him, they both were treatable.

The dog was given a nice cleansing bath to rid him of all the dirt and fleas and was given medication. But by seeking out help, the lonely dog not only found care he also found hope.

Injured Stray Dog Looks For Help At Vet Clinic 3

Adoption offers have come pouring in after the word of the sweet pup started spreading and soon he will have a place to call his own filled with care and love. 

"He doesn't even look sick. He just is so excited to be around people who care about him," Ferreira said.

"The most admirable thing is that he came on his own. His intelligence is beautiful. I'm sure he will find a home that will welcome him and receive him with all the love he deserves."

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