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Take a look at this video of Jonah Hill as he breaks down the most iconic characters in his film and acting career.

Jonah Hill is now one of the most recognisable movie stars in the world, and is best known for his quirky comedic style of acting. But, over the years, he has proven that he can act in a larger variety of movies other than what he started off as.

Jonah Hill starts off his interview with GQ magazine in the video below by saying that he always had two dreams, the first was to be an internationally recognised filmmaker, and the second dream was to work with Martin Scorsese, who is an American-Italian film director, producer, screenwriter, and actor.

Jonah Hill got the once in a lifetime opportunity to act in one of his role-model's movies, The Wolf Of Wall Street, in 2013.

Johah Hill first made an appearance in a film back in 2004, which was called I Heart Huckabees, featuring co-stars such as Mark Wahlberg, Dustin Hoffman and Naomi Watts. Since then, he has been working on movies such as SuperBad, 21 Jump Street, Grandma's Boy and Mid90s.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, GQ, on Jonah Hill Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters.

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