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Kirstie Allen Roasts Stephen Hawking After His Death Is Announced? 2

Kirstie Allen Roasts Stephen Hawking After His Death Is Announced? 3

Stephen Hawkings' death shocked the world on the 14th of March and sent waves of condolences to the family. He has been dubbed one of the greatest minds in history which, added to his sense of humour, makes him an all-round admirable person.

Amongst the condolence messages was one from Kirstie Alley, just mere hours after his death was announced, on a Twitter tribute with a picture of Hawking titled: "You had a good go at it... thanks for your input". Pretty cold, right?

Well, the post didn't go unnoticed as the public were quick to criticise her, labelling her as heartless and cruel, saying she "gave this man's life a participation trophy". People were absolutely shocked at the way she was able to, so nonchalantly, talk about one of humanities greatest minds by disrespect Hawking. Others laughed it off as her sarcastic, witty sense of humour.

Allen fought back tweeting: "Where do all these strange swarms of people come from on Twitter... like locusts only crispier" – and then retweeted a post from the Brief History of Time author adding he was 'probably one of the top 3 funniest people on the planet... beautiful mind'.

While a good sense of humour with a slice sarcasm can sometimes be a knee-slapper, it has a time and place, we're just not sure this was it.

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