If you ever find yourself in court, we hope you are not the one in handcuffs. Tensions rise as victims and perpetrators get questioned vigorously – which can lead to some pretty weird things happening in the heat of the moment.
Guilty people have been known to flip tables and victims have been known to fly over tables and chairs to throw a punch at the accused. Awkward things also happen to the professionals in front of the stands and poor reporters have to type every word exactly, no matter how ridiculous.
Now, the courtroom is a very serious place with no room for giggling but we really wouldn't blame these reporters if they happened to crack a smile. Charles M. Sevilla was so amused that he decided to put together a book of the funniest things heard in court called "Disorder in the Court". These people have already done their time in front of the judge but now they face the toughest judge of all, the internet!
Check out the video below for a good chuckle!