Home / Funny / Funny / Let's Have A Laugh With These Early 2020 Fail Videos


The COVID-19 Pandemic has stressed many of us out, so here are some fail videos from early 2020 to help us laugh.

Everyone needs a hearty laugh now and again, especially during the lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, many of us are idiots and, even better, our fails are caught on video.

The video that follows is a compilation of the best of 2020 so far, from people falling off ladders to acrobatics off a zipline, and it's hilarious. You know things are going to go pear-shaped when grandma has a go at paddle-boarding, or your cousin with two left feet tries the springboard in the gymnasium. The best answer is to take out your camera and film it.

Another great time to film people is when they pop on a virtual reality headset for the first time, or when dad decides to show you how to swing on that dodgy rope over the dam. It's moments like these that'll give you years of joy, and you can revisit them at family get-togethers too. It's a win-win!

So, to get your fill of people doing face-plants, animals eating things they shouldn't, and siblings giving each other frights with scary masks, just press that play button below. It'll brighten up your lockdown life.

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